This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for high throughput isolation of DNA from all types of soil samples including common soil samples and difficult soil samples with high humic acid content such as compost and manure. A combination of chemical and physical homogenization effectively lyses all microorganisms in the soil sample, and the kit removes all traces of humic acid using the provided Organic Substance Removal (OSR) Solution and Humic Acid Removal plate (HAR). Total genomic DNA can be isolated and purified from all the various microorganisms found in soil, such as bacteria, fungi and algae. The purified DNA is of the highest quality and is fully compatible with downstream PCR and qPCR applications and more for any metagenomic study, as all humic acid substances and PCR inhibitors are removed during the isolation.
Fast and easy high throughput processing using either a vacuum manifold or centrifugation; Process all soil types including clay, loam, sandy soils and high humic content soils such as peat, compost and manure; Remove organic substances using the OSR Solution; Remove all humic acid from DNA samples using the Humic Acid Removal plate; Isolate high quality total DNA from all soil types - ready for any downstream PCR, qPCR; Excellent DNA for metagenomic studies; No phenol or chloroform extractions.