MicroTools for Measurements: Assortment 4; 20 measuring tools with fluorescent tips; 5 each of the Horizontal MicroRuler, Verticle MicroRuler, Large MicroProtractor, and Small MicroProtractor
MicroTools for Measurements: Assortment 4; 20 measuring tools with fluorescent tips; 5 each of the Horizontal MicroRuler, Verticle MicroRuler, Large MicroProtractor, and Small MicroProtractor
MicroTools for Measurements: Assortment 4; 20 measuring tools with fluorescent tips; 5 each of the Horizontal MicroRuler, Verticle MicroRuler, Large MicroProtractor, and Small MicroProtractor
MiTeGen由美国康奈尔大学教授罗伯特·索恩于2004年创立,致力于分子结晶研究相关产品的开发与生产,包括晶体生长条件筛选试剂及各种耗材与工具。MiTeGen 设计、制造和分销用于蛋白质、病毒和小分子/无机化合物的冷冻电镜(冷冻电子显微镜)、结晶、晶体学和 X 射线衍射的产品。