该产品别称为,应用类型为:ELISA,Immunoassay blocker to reduce or eliminate heterophilic antibody interference in sandwich ELISA assays for validated sample applications.
BL-004-500 contains a proprietary mixture of proteins and buffer reagents designed to reduce heterophilic interactions in ELISA assays utilizing sheep immunoreagents.
Following ELISA assays in the Biosensis RapidTM ELISA range have been validated to achieve accurate results using BL-004-500:
BEK-2217/2240, Human proBDNF; Application: Serum, Citrate-Plasma BEK-2221, Human NT3; Application: Plasma (Citrate and EDTA) BEK-2237, Human proBDNF; Application: Serum, EDTA-Plasma
One vial of BL-004-500 contains 500 µg IgG which is sufficient as sample diluent additive for one 96-well plate.
Other ELISA assays that use sheep assay antibodies may also benefit from addition of blocker BL-004-500, but require optimization of working concentration and assay validation for accurate results.