Normal chicken serum lipid extracted and dialyzed against 10 mM sodium phosphate, 0.15 M sodium chloride, pH 7.2. This product is used as a blocking reagent or control for most immunoassay applications.
鸡正常血清(性别不明)(10 ml)该产品的详细产品描述特点可查看对应的英文产品说明书。
Store lyophilized material at 2-8 ºC. For long term storage after reconstitution, prepare small aliquots and store at -20 ºC . For storage at 2-8 ºC, add a preservative to prevent growth of bacteria. Rehydrate with 10.0 ml of deionized water. Swirl gentle and let stand for up to 2 hours at 18-25 °C. Centrifuge reconstituted serum to remove any precipitates.