Celase® GMP is a proprietary, proteolytic enzyme blend produced, packaged and labeled by Cytori Therapeutics and distributed by WBC as supplied designed for efficient, gentle and reproducible in vitro dissociation of nucleated cells from adipose and other tissue. Produced using avian and mammalian tissue free raw materials, aseptic processes and sterile filtration under GMP guidelines to assure the lowest levels of impurities. A single vial containing both collagenase and a neutral protease can digest up to 280gm of adipose tissue. Special Packaging Required
该Celase® GMP Collagenase Blend, Special Packaging又简称为CLAS-PKG,其活性查看产品说明书,其来源于详情查看产品说明书
该Celase® GMP 胶原蛋白酶 Blend, Special Packaging产品,其来源于详情查看产品说明书,Worthington作为生命科学领域知名的酶类供应商,以及细胞分离酶的专家级公司,其核心酶产品包括:胶原蛋白酶,脱氧核糖核酸酶I,弹性蛋白酶,木瓜蛋白酶,核糖核酸酶,胰蛋白酶等。酶是Worthington的主要产品线。从技术上讲,Worthington实际上并不制造酶,而是从各种动植物组织和各种微生物来源(如细菌、真菌和霉菌)中提取酶。