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中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,10/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210CR4-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/2,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,10/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/2 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210CR2-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,10/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210CR1.3-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,10/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210CR1-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4,超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,金色,10/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Gold, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210AR4-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/2,超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,金色,10/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/2 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Gold, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210AR2-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,金色,10件/包

英文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Gold, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210AR1.3-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1,带超薄碳(2纳米),200目,金色,10/包

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Gold, 10/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q210AR1-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,100/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 100/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q2100CR4-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/2,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,100/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/2 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 100/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q2100CR2-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,100/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 100/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q2100CR1.3-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1,带超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,铜,100/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Copper, 100/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q2100CR1-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4,超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,金色,100/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/4 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Gold, 100/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q2100AR4-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3,超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,金色,100/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 1.2/1.3 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Gold, 100/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q2100AR1.3-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车

中文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1,超薄碳纤维(2 nm),200目,金色,100/pk

英文名称:Quantifoil R 2/1 with Ultrathin Carbon (2 nm), 200 Mesh, Gold, 100/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-Q2100AR1-2nm ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车


英文名称:Ethane-Temperature Controlled Vitrobot Dewar

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-NS-ETCVBD ¥询价/Each 加入购物车


英文名称:Formvar coated Copper grid, stabilized with evaporated carbon film, 400 mesh, 50/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-FCF400-Cu ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车


英文名称:Formvar coated Copper grid, stabilized with evaporated carbon film, 300 mesh, 50/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-FCF300-Cu ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车


英文名称:Formvar coated Copper grid, stabilized with evaporated carbon film, 200 mesh, 50/pk

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CEM-FCF200-Cu ¥询价/Pack 加入购物车


英文名称:Puck Separator

MiTeGen MiTeGen-M-CBP-PST1 ¥询价/Each 加入购物车


英文名称:Changed length of crystal mounts to decrease interference with high chi-angles, \nmodification to 1 box of 20 mounts/loops/meshes\n(mounts ordered separately)

MiTeGen MiTeGen-HAD-1 ¥询价/service 加入购物车

中文名称:GAGG Sentinel光束停止器-第2代,带钨外壳和GAGG闪烁体-数量1

英文名称:GAGG Sentinel Beam Stop - Generation 2 with Tungsten Housing and GAGG Scintillator - Qty 1

MiTeGen MiTeGen-DBS-GAGGBS-1-B ¥询价/Each 加入购物车


英文名称:Changed orientation of crystal mounts to 90 degree angle, modification to 1 box of 20 mounts/loops/meshes\n(mounts ordered separately)

MiTeGen MiTeGen-CA-90 ¥询价/service 加入购物车


英文名称:Changed orientation of crystal mounts to 45 degree angle, modification to 1 box of 20 mounts/loops/meshes\n(mounts ordered separately)

MiTeGen MiTeGen-CA-45 ¥询价/service 加入购物车

中文名称:大孔径光束线样品制备套件; 100个双厚度微环(300、400、500和600 um孔径DT微环各25个),安装在100个B5-R底座中,包装并储存在5个MiTeGen底座支架中

英文名称:Large Aperture Assortment Beamline Sample Preparation Kit; 100 Dual Thickness MicroLoops (25 each of 300, 400, 500 and 600 um aperture DT MicroLoops) on standard 18 mm pins, Installed in 100 B5-R base

MiTeGen MiTeGen-BL100-B5-R-A3 ¥询价/Box 加入购物车

中文名称:中等孔径光束线样品制备套件; 100个双厚度微型卡口(75、100、150和200 um孔径DT微型卡口各25个),安装在100个B5-R底座中,包装并储存在5个MiTeGen底座支架中

英文名称:Medium Aperture Assortment Beamline Sample Preparation Kit; 100 Dual Thickness MicroMounts (25 each of 75, 100, 150and 200 um aperture DT MicroMounts) on standard 18 mm pins, Installed in 100 B5-R bas

MiTeGen MiTeGen-BL100-B5-R-A2 ¥询价/Box 加入购物车

中文名称:小孔径光束线样品制备套件; 100个双厚度微型卡口(10、20、30和50 um孔径DT微型卡口各25个),安装在100个B5-R底座中,包装并储存在5个MiTeGen底座支架中

英文名称:Small Aperture Assortment Beamline Sample Preparation Kit; 100 Dual Thickness MicroMounts (25 each of 10, 20, 30and 50 um aperture DT MicroMounts) on standard 18 mm pins, Installed in 100 B5-R bases,

MiTeGen MiTeGen-BL100-B5-R-A1 ¥询价/Box 加入购物车

中文名称:大孔径光束线样品制备套件; 100个双厚度微环(300、400、500和600 um孔径DT微环各25个),安装在100个B3 S-R底座中,包装并储存在5个MiTeGen底座支架中

英文名称:Large Aperture Assortment Beamline Sample Preparation Kit; 100 Dual Thickness MicroLoops (25 each of 300, 400, 500 and 600 um aperture DT MicroLoops) on standard 18 mm pins,Installed in 100 B3S-R base

MiTeGen MiTeGen-BL100-B3S-R-A3 ¥询价/Box 加入购物车

中文名称:中等孔径组合光束线样品制备套件;标准18 mm引脚上有100个双厚度微型安装件(75、100、150和200 um孔径DT微型安装件各25个),安装在100个B3 S-R底座中,包装并储存在5个MiTeGen底座支架中

英文名称:Medium Aperture Assortment Beamline Sample Preparation Kit; 100 Dual Thickness MicroMounts (25 each of 75, 100, 150and 200 um aperture DT MicroMounts) on standard 18 mm pins, Installed in 100 B3S-R ba

MiTeGen MiTeGen-BL100-B3S-R-A2 ¥询价/Box 加入购物车

中文名称:小孔径光束线样品制备套件; 100个双厚度微型贴片(10、20、30和50 μ m孔径DT微型贴片各25个),安装在100个B3 S-R底座中,包装并储存在5个MiTeGen底座支架中

英文名称:Small Aperture Assortment Beamline Sample Preparation Kit; 100 Dual Thickness MicroMounts (25 each of 10, 20, 30and 50 um aperture DT MicroMounts) on standard 18 mm pins, Installed in 100 B3S-R bases,

MiTeGen MiTeGen-BL100-B3S-R-A1 ¥询价/Box 加入购物车
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