- 中文名称
Biotoxis qPCR检测试剂盒
- 英文名字
- Biotoxis qPCR Detection Kit
- 供应商
- Bertin Bioreagent
- 产品货号
- P05231
- 产品报价
- ¥询价/96rxn

- 产品说明书
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- 购买方式
- 90%产品中国有现货库存。银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-868
- 产品新闻

- 背景资料
- Biotoxis is a qPCR all-in-one detection kit that detects B. anthracis, Y. pestis and F. tularensis. These 3 pathogens are the first potential biological weapon that can cause lethal infection.| This kit is the only one on the market that detects in one reaction all 3 agents, allowing a rapid response in a context of a global bioterrorism. The kit also has a very high sensitivity. In multiplex, detection limits are 17 copies of target template for B. anthracis, 20 copies for Y. pestis and 49 copies for F. tularensis. All liquid components can be stored at +4°C for 6 months (unnecessary freeze/thawing cycle).| All primers, probes and internal controls are included in a ready to use format which makes this kit very easy to use. Biotoxis qPCR detection kit is dedicated to CBRN teams, first responders, and R&D labs that work on these 3 agents for a quick intervention in the event of a suspected biological attack. The Biotoxis kit provides a simple, reliable and rapid method for the detection in air, water, and any biological samples. Bertin’s biological air sampler Coriolis® well complete the workflow of biological warfare agents detection.
- 产品描述
- Biotoxis是一种qPCR一体化检测试剂盒,可检测B. anthracis,Y. pestis和F.土拉热菌这三种病原体是第一种可能导致致命感染的潜在生物武器。|该试剂盒是市场上唯一一个在一个反应中检测所有3种试剂的试剂盒,允许在全球生物恐怖主义的背景下快速反应。该试剂盒还具有非常高的灵敏度。在多重中,检测限为B的靶模板的17个拷贝。anthracis,Y. pestis和F.土拉热菌所有液体组分可在+4 ° C下储存6个月(不必要的冻融循环)。|所有引物、探针和内部对照均包含在即用型格式中,这使得该试剂盒非常易于使用。Biotoxis qPCR检测试剂盒专用于CBRN团队,第一反应者和研发实验室,这些实验室致力于在可疑生物攻击事件中快速干预这3种试剂。Biotoxis试剂盒为空气、水和任何生物样品中的检测提供了简单、可靠和快速的方法。Bertin的生物空气采样器Coriolis®很好地完成了生物战剂检测的工作流程。
- 产品特点
- 该Biotoxis qPCR检测试剂盒,Biotoxis qPCR Detection Kit产品产品特点详情查看产品说明书。
- 保存建议
- Store at +4degrees; shelf life 6 months maximum after production
- 其他
- 法国Bertin Technologies公司是一家大型仪器设备及试剂供应商,拥有50多年的历史,产品涉及卫生、环境、安全甚至军工等诸多领域。Bertin Bioreagent是Bertin Technologies集团的生物试剂部门,主要是致力于研发与炎症,氧化损伤,内分泌学,糖尿病,肥胖症,高血压,精神药理学,癌症,哮喘,朊病毒疾病,药代动力学和代谢等相关的化学试剂 ,蛋白,底物,抗体及检测试剂盒等产品。 Bertin Instruments是Bertin Technologies集团的仪器部门,其中旗舰产品Precellys系列多功能生物样品匀浆器是全世界各个实验室的明星产品,截至目前累计有15000+的引文!

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