- 中文名称
- 英文名字
- Non-radioactive Iodide Assay kit
- 供应商
- Bertin Bioreagent
- 产品货号
- D05076
- 产品报价
- ¥询价/96wells

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- 购买方式
- 90%产品中国有现货库存。银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-868
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- 背景资料
- Present in nature in the form of iodide and iodate, iodine is a solid halogen at normal temperature. It is used in medicine, in the pharmaceutical and food industry. Food is the principal daily supply of iodide in human body [1].|Iodide is important in basal metabolism and permits temperature regulation, intellectual development for children, muscular development, normal heart function and growth of skeleton. Iodide transport is the basis for an emerging approach of selective cancer cell destruction. [2-3]|Iodide uptake from blood into thyroid follicular cells is the first step in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones T4 and T3, known to regulate many essential biological processes [4-5].|Thyroid hormones are indispensable for body development. This transport is mediated by NIS (sodium iodide symporter), an intrinsic membrane glycoprotein located in the basolateral membrane of thyrocytes.|Since the discovery of NIS, thorough biochemical analysis has elucidated the mechanism of basolateral iodide transport and revealed the key role of NIS in thyroid diseases such as thyroid cancer, autoimmune disease, and congenital hypothyroidism [6].|If rate is not in the normal proportion, some diseases can be developed as underactive thyroid if the rate is too down or overactive thyroid if the rate is too up. Other diseases exist as chronic thyroiditis of Hashimoto or cancer of the thyroid gland [7].|Iodide deficiency is at origins of many thyroid metabolism disorders, this is why it is important to control rate of iodide to prevent all of these diseases.|This Iodide Assay is based on the oxido-reduction reaction: cerium(IV) is reduced by arsenic(III). The reduction of yellow (420 nm) cerium(IV) to colorless cerium(III) by arsenic(III) proceeds very slowly but traces of iodide strongly accelerate this reaction with the rate being directly proportional to iodide concentration.|For a given time, decay is inversely proportional to iodide
concentration in well. This method is simple and nonradioactive, and as such it can be used widely.
- 产品描述
- 在自然界中以碘化物和碘酸盐的形式存在,碘在常温下是固体卤素。它用于医药、制药和食品工业。食物是人体碘的主要日常供应来源[1]。|碘化物在基础代谢中很重要,可以调节体温、促进儿童智力发育、肌肉发育、正常心脏功能和骨骼生长。碘离子转运是选择性癌细胞破坏的新兴方法的基础。[2-3]|从血液中摄取碘进入甲状腺滤泡细胞是甲状腺激素T4和T3生物合成的第一步,已知其调节许多基本生物过程[4-5]。|甲状腺激素是身体发育不可缺少的。这种转运由NIS(钠碘同向转运体)介导,NIS是位于甲状腺细胞基底外侧膜的内在膜糖蛋白。|自NIS发现以来,全面的生化分析已经阐明了基底外侧碘转运的机制,并揭示了NIS在甲状腺疾病(如甲状腺癌、自身免疫性疾病和先天性甲状腺功能减退症)中的关键作用[6]。|如果比率不处于正常比例,如果比率太低,一些疾病可以发展为甲状腺功能低下,如果比率太高,则为甲状腺功能亢进。其他疾病如桥本慢性甲状腺炎或甲状腺癌[7]。|碘缺乏是许多甲状腺代谢紊乱的起源,这就是为什么控制碘的比率以预防所有这些疾病是重要的。|该碘化物含量测定基于氧化还原反应:铈(IV)被砷(III)还原。砷(III)将黄色(420 nm)铈(IV)还原成无色铈(III)进行得非常缓慢,但痕量的碘化物强烈加速该反应,其速率与碘化物浓度成正比。|对于给定的时间,衰变与碘化物成反比浓度很好。该方法简单、无放射性,具有广泛的应用前景。
- 产品特点
- 该非放射性碘测定试剂盒,Non-radioactive Iodide Assay kit产品产品特点详情查看产品说明书。
- 保存建议
- Store at +4degrees; shelf life 1 years maximum after production
- 其他
- 法国Bertin Technologies公司是一家大型仪器设备及试剂供应商,拥有50多年的历史,产品涉及卫生、环境、安全甚至军工等诸多领域。Bertin Bioreagent是Bertin Technologies集团的生物试剂部门,主要是致力于研发与炎症,氧化损伤,内分泌学,糖尿病,肥胖症,高血压,精神药理学,癌症,哮喘,朊病毒疾病,药代动力学和代谢等相关的化学试剂 ,蛋白,底物,抗体及检测试剂盒等产品。 Bertin Instruments是Bertin Technologies集团的仪器部门,其中旗舰产品Precellys系列多功能生物样品匀浆器是全世界各个实验室的明星产品,截至目前累计有15000+的引文!

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