- 中文名称
GEF 转化活性检测试剂盒
- 英文名字
- GEF Exchange Assay
- 供应商
- Cytoskeleton
- 产品货号
- BK100
- 产品报价
- ¥询价/KIT60-300assays

- 产品说明书
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- 购买方式
- Cytoskeleton中国区现货中心已经建立,大部分产品中国有现货库存。银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-868
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- 背景资料
- 该GEF 转化活性检测试剂盒产品是Cytoskeleton品牌原装进口,Cytoskeleton品牌是细胞骨架研究专家,专注于生物化学和细胞过程研究中的纯化蛋白和便捷试剂盒开发与生产。艾美捷作为中国区域的总代理,是行业中少有的致力于服务客户,帮助客户,且拥有独立专业技术支持团队的高科技生物企业。可以为您提供及时的咨询响应,专业的产品和解决方案支持,稳健快捷的交货周期,优质放心的售后服务。我们致力于为您提供有价值的产品和服务,在意您的成功!
- 产品描述
- 收到该GEF 转化活性检测试剂盒GEF Exchange Assay产品后,查看厂家提供的产品说明书详细介绍。
- 产品特点
- The Ras superfamily of small GTPases (such as Ras, Rho, Rab, Arf and Ran proteins) serve as binary switches cycling between a GDP-bound “OFF state” and a GTP-bound “ON state”. In cells, the cycling between the two states is mainly controlled by two types of regulatory proteins: the activating Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors (GEFs) and the inactivating GTPase Activating Proteins (GAPs).
GEFs function by catalyzing the exchange of nucleotide on their target GTPases. The GEF will bind to a nucleotide-bound GTPase, which causes the bound nucleotide to be released, thus resulting in a nucleotide free GEF-GTPase reaction intermediate. This nucleotide free complex will then take up a new nucleotide after which the GEF is released from the GTPase. Because GEFs typically have a higher affinity for GDP-bound GTPases than for the corresponding GTP-bound GTPase and the intracellular ratio of GTP to GDP is about 10:1, GEFs will drive the exchange from GDP-bound GTPases to GTP-bound GTPases
The fluorophore based assay in this kit is suitable for measuring nucleotide exchange on GTPases in either 96-well or 384-well format. The kit measures the uptake of the fluorescent nucleotide analog N-methylanthraniloyl-GTP (mant-GTP) into GTPases. The uptake can be measured due to the spectroscopic difference between free and GTPase-bound mant-GTP. As mant-GTP gets bound in the nucleotide binding pocket of a GTPase, its fluorescence (ex: 360 nm, em: 440 nm) increases dramatically (1, 2). Therefore, the enhancement of mant-GTP fluorescent intensity in the presence of a small GTPase indicates nucleotide uptake (or exchange for already bound nucleotide) by the GTPase.
This kit contains all the buffers and reagents needed for the assay, a 96 and a 384-well plate, as well as human Cdc42, Rac1 and RhoA GTPases and the GEF domain of Dbs as a positive control GEF. Dbs is an effective GEF for Cdc42 and RhoA but shows only very low GEF activity for Rac1 (see Figs 1 & 2). The kit provides enough material for 20 assays for each GTPase in 96-well format or 100 assays for each GTPase in 384-well format.
- 保存建议
- 厂家推荐常温运输,收到产品后建议保存于4°C。
- 其他
- Cytoskeleton公司成立于1993年,专注于生物化学和细胞过程研究中的纯化蛋白和便捷试剂盒开发与生产。公司提供药物筛选、信号转导、蛋白质转录后修饰(PTM)、细胞骨架研究相关的系列试剂盒和产品,尤其以细胞骨架相关研究见长,既能满足于样品较少的科学研究,也可以用于小规模筛选研究和高通量大规模筛选研究。此外,公司还提供微管蛋白,肌动蛋白,小G蛋白,GAPs,GEFs等现有产品的药物筛选服务。

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