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worthington 前列腺组织分离指南

发布者:艾美捷科技    发布时间:2022-06-09     

原代细胞分离中,针对前列腺组织涉及到前列腺癌成纤维细胞,前列腺基质细胞、前列腺上皮/干细胞、颊神经节,前列腺上皮/干细胞等等的解离通常会使用酶,如何选择合适的酶来完成对应前列腺组织的解离,以及原代细胞采集的常规操作, 艾美捷针对前列腺相关的组织分类解离分种属、不同的细胞、酶组合推荐,推荐浓度、培养基以及参考文献,详细汇总指南:前列腺组织分离指南.png


本技术指南描述了标准实验室程序; 为建立细胞分离方案提供了一种合乎逻辑的实验方法; 并列出了许多组织特异性参考资料,以帮助开发有效的方法。更多其他组织的解离指南,点击查看:各组织分离指南


Human前列腺癌成纤维细胞 / Prostatic cancer fibroblastsCollagenase: 225 u/ml;
Hyaluronidase: 125 u/ml
RPMI 1640Taylor, R., Toivanen, R., Frydenberg, M., Pedersen, J., Harewood, L., Collins, A., Maitland, N. and Risbridger, G.: Human Epithelial Basal Cells are Cells of Origin of Prostate Cancer, Independent of CD133 Status., Stem Cells 30, 1087, 2012
Human, 52-56 yr前列腺基质细胞 / Prostatic stromal cellsCollagenase Type 1: 0.2%DMEM/F-12Le Hanh, Arnold Julia T, McFann Kimberly K, Blackman Marc R: DHT and testosterone, but not DHEA or E2, differentially modulate IGF-I, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3 in human prostatic stromal cells, Am J Physiol/Endo 290, E952-60, 2006
Human前列腺基质细胞 / Prostate stromal cellsCollagenase Type 1: 0.1%RPMI 1640Nakashiro Koh-Ichi, Hara Shingo, Shinohara Yuji, Oyasu Miho, Kawamata Hitoshi, Shintani Satoru, Hamakawa Hiroyuki, Oyasu Ryoichi: Phenotypic switch from paracrine to autocrine role of hepatocyte growth factor in an androgen-independent human prostatic carcinoma cell line, CWR22R, Am J Pathol 165, 533-40, 2004
Human, fetal前列腺成纤维细胞 / Prostatic fibroblastsCollagenase Type 1: 0.125%DMEM/F12Levine AC, Liu XH, Greenberg PD, Eliashvili M, Schiff JD, Aaronson SA, Holland JF, Kirschenbaum A: Androgens induce the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in human fetal prostatic fibroblasts, Endocrinology 139, 4672-8, 1998
小鼠Mouse, 6-8 week前列腺上皮/干细胞 / Prostate epithelial/stemCollagenase Type 2: 0.5%;
Trypsin: 0.05%
HBSSBurger, P., Gupta, R., Xiong, X., Ontiveros, C., Salm, S., Moscatelli, D. and Wilson, E.: High Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity: A Novel Functional Marker of Murine Prostate Stem/Progenitor Cells., Stem Cells 27, 2220-8, 2009
小鼠Mouse, 2 week前列腺上皮 / Prostatic epithelialCollagenase Type 3: 170 u/mlDMEMImamov Otabek, Morani Andrea, Shim Gil-Jin, Omoto Yoko, Thulin-Andersson Christina, Warner Margaret, Gustafsson Jan-Ake: Estrogen receptor beta regulates epithelial cellular differentiation in the mouse ventral prostate, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101, 9375-80, 2004
小鼠Mouse, male前列腺干细胞 / Prostatic stemCollagenase Type 1: 170 u/mlDMEMDubey P, Wu H, Reiter RE, Witte ON: Alternative pathways to prostate carcinoma activate prostate stem cell antigen expression, Cancer Res 61, 3256-61, 2001

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