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BioVendor:FGF21 ELISA 试剂盒

发布者:艾美捷科技    发布时间:2022-04-26     



成纤维细胞生长因子21( fibroblast growth factor 21,FGF21) 属于成纤维细胞生长因子家族FGF19( fibroblast growth factor 19,FGF19) 的亚型,不具有促成纤维细胞生长活性,且不与肝素特异性结合,是一种调节机体代谢的分泌型蛋白。在骨骼肌、肾脏、心脏以及血管和脂肪组织中 fgf21 表达比肝脏中高约 7~10 倍。FGF21可靶向脑、心脏、骨骼肌以及肾脏和肠等多种组织器官发挥作用。近来证实,FGF21 已广泛应用于肝脂、糖脂代谢以及心血管疾病等代谢性疾病的预防与康复,可能成为代谢性疾病预防和康复的有效靶点之一。




作为专业的生命科学医药原料供应商,艾美捷科技为您推荐BioVendor荣誉产品,FGF21 ELISA 试剂盒



Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Human ELISARD191108200R
30–1920 pg/ml人:75 ul/well点击下载
Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Mouse/Rat ELISARD291108200R小鼠/大鼠
40–2560 pg/ml小鼠: 7 ul/well
大鼠: 50 ul/well

* BioVendor荣誉出品..仅供科研使用,不得用于医疗.



FGF21-human ELISA Kit 标曲



BioVendor human-FGF21-human-ELISA-Kit参考资料.png


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  • Ahola S, Auranen M, Isohanni P, Niemisalo S, Urho N, Buzkova J, Velagapudi V, Lundbom N, Hakkarainen A, Muurinen T, Piiril? P, Pietil?inen KH, Suomalainen A.Modified Atkins diet induces subacute selective ragged-red-fiber lysis inmitochondrial myopathy patients. EMBO Mol Med. 2016 Nov 2;8(11):1234-1247.

  • Bisgaard A, S?rensen K, Johannsen TH, Helge JW, Andersson AM, Juul A.Significant gender difference in serum levels of fibroblast growth factor 21 inDanish children and adolescents. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol. 2014;2014(1):7.

  • BonDurant LD, Ameka M, Naber MC, Markan KR, Idiga SO, Acevedo MR, Walsh SA,Ornitz DM, Potthoff MJ. FGF21 Regulates Metabolism Through Adipose-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms. Cell Metab. 2017 Apr 4;25(4):935-944.e4.

  • Bookout AL, de Groot MH, Owen BM, Lee S, Gautron L, Lawrence HL, Ding X,Elmquist JK, Takahashi JS, Mangelsdorf DJ, Kliewer SA. FGF21 regulates metabolismand circadian behavior by acting on the nervous system. Nat Med. 2013Sep;19(9):1147-52.

  • Crooks DR, Natarajan TG, Jeong SY, Chen C, Park SY, Huang H, Ghosh MC, TongWH, Haller RG, Wu C, Rouault TA. Elevated FGF21 secretion, PGC-1α and ketogenicenzyme expression are hallmarks of iron-sulfur cluster depletion in humanskeletal muscle. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Jan 1;23(1):24-39.

  • Cuevas-Ramos D, Almeda-Valdes P, Gómez-Pérez FJ, Meza-Arana CE, Cruz-Bautista I, Arellano-Campos O, Navarrete-López M, Aguilar-Salinas CA. Daily physicalactivity, fasting glucose, uric acid, and body mass index are independent factorsassociated with serum fibroblast growth factor 21 levels. Eur J Endocrinol. 2010 Sep;163(3):469-77.

  • Cuevas-Ramos D, Almeda-Valdés P, Meza-Arana CE, Brito-Córdova G, Gómez-PérezFJ, Mehta R, Oseguera-Moguel J, Aguilar-Salinas CA. Exercise increases serumfibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) levels. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e38022.

  • Dostálová I, Haluzíková D, Haluzík M. Fibroblast growth factor 21: a novelmetabolic regulator with potential therapeutic properties in obesity/type 2diabetes mellitus. Physiol Res. 2009;58(1):1-7. Review.

  • Dostálová I, Kaválková P, Haluzíková D, Lacinová Z, Mráz M, Papezová H,Haluzík M. Plasma concentrations of fibroblast growth factors 19 and 21 inpatients with anorexia nervosa. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Sep;93(9):3627-32.

  • Fazeli PK, Misra M, Goldstein M, Miller KK, Klibanski A. Fibroblast growthfactor-21 may mediate growth hormone resistance in anorexia nervosa. J ClinEndocrinol Metab. 2010 Jan;95(1):369-74.

  • Fisher FM, Chui PC, Antonellis PJ, Bina HA, Kharitonenkov A, Flier JS,Maratos-Flier E. Obesity is a fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21)-resistantstate. Diabetes. 2010 Nov;59(11):2781-9.

  • Fisher FM, Chui PC, Nasser IA, Popov Y, Cunniff JC, Lundasen T, Kharitonenkov A, Schuppan D, Flier JS, Maratos-Flier E. Fibroblast growth factor 21 limitslipotoxicity by promoting hepatic fatty acid activation in mice on methionine andcholine-deficient diets. Gastroenterology. 2014 Nov;147(5):1073-83.e6.

  • Gallego-Escuredo JM, Gómez-Ambrosi J, Catalan V, Domingo P, Giralt M, FrühbeckG, Villarroya F. Opposite alterations in FGF21 and FGF19 levels and disturbedexpression of the receptor machinery for endocrine FGFs in obese patients. Int J Obes (Lond). 2015 Jan;39(1):121-9.

  • Gariani K, Drifte G, Dunn-Siegrist I, Pugin J, Jornayvaz FR. Increased FGF21plasma levels in humans with sepsis and SIRS. Endocr Connect. 2013 Sep17;2(3):146-53.

  • Guasti L, Silvennoinen S, Bulstrode NW, Ferretti P, Sankilampi U, Dunkel L.Elevated FGF21 leads to attenuated postnatal linear growth in preterm infantsthrough GH resistance in chondrocytes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014Nov;99(11):E2198-206.

  • Han SH, Choi SH, Cho BJ, Lee Y, Lim S, Park YJ, Moon MK, Lee HK, Kang SW, Han DS, Kim YB, Jang HC, Park KS. Serum fibroblast growth factor-21 concentration is associated with residual renal function and insulin resistance in end-stage renaldisease patients receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis. Metabolism. 2010Nov;59(11):1656-62.

  • Hero M, Dunkel L, Vaaralahti K, Raivio T. Serum FGF21 in boys with idiopathic short stature: relationship to lipid profile, onset of puberty and growth. ClinEndocrinol (Oxf). 2011 Jul;75(1):141-2.

  • Hojman P, Pedersen M, Nielsen AR, Krogh-Madsen R, Yfanti C, Akerstrom T,Nielsen S, Pedersen BK. Fibroblast growth factor-21 is induced in human skeletal muscles by hyperinsulinemia. Diabetes. 2009 Dec;58(12):2797-801.

  • Chen H, Lu N, Zheng M. A high circulating FGF21 level as a prognostic markerin patients with acute myocardial infarction. Am J Transl Res. 2018 Sep15;10(9):2958-2966. eCollection 2018.

  • Christodoulides C, Dyson P, Sprecher D, Tsintzas K, Karpe F. Circulatingfibroblast growth factor 21 is induced by peroxisome proliferator-activatedreceptor agonists but not ketosis in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009Sep;94(9):3594-601

  • Jian WX, Peng WH, Jin J, Chen XR, Fang WJ, Wang WX, Qin L, Dong Y, Su Q.Association between serum fibroblast growth factor 21 and diabetic nephropathy.Metabolism. 2012 Jun;61(6):853-9.

  • Jin QR, Bando Y, Miyawaki K, Shikama Y, Kosugi C, Aki N, Funaki M, Noji S.Correlation of fibroblast growth factor 21 serum levels with metabolic parametersin Japanese subjects. J Med Invest. 2014;61(1-2):28-34.


BioVendor是欧洲的一家生物医药科技公司, 总部位于捷克共和国布尔诺,专注于为分子和细胞学实验室提供体外研究产品,主要产品有重组蛋白、抗体和ELISA试剂盒。产品主要应用领域包括:能量代谢和体重调节、骨代谢、心血管疾病和肾病、感染和发炎、铁代谢研究、肌肉生长调控、神经组织损伤标志物、肿瘤学、胰腺调节分子、分泌型磷脂酶A2等



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