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发布者:艾美捷科技    发布时间:2024-04-02     

Advanced BioMatrix提供一系列高纯度和一致性的生物材料,以支持整个工作流程 ——从2D细胞培养到3D组织工程。 这些生物材料的整个目的是帮助研究者在研究中还原/复制体内环境。通过以下步骤,你可以实现将研究从2D过渡到3D:







ECM Select? Array Slide


ECM Select? Array Kit Ultra-36, 是一种细胞外基质筛选阵列,可帮助您找到最适合您的细胞的最佳细胞外基质 (ECM)蛋白质。该产品包含36个 ECM条件,每个条件都以9个复制斑点 (直径400 um)印刷在水凝胶表面 上。艾美捷强烈推荐!

通过仅进行简单的一夜实验,您可以确定哪种ECM最适合您的细胞附着。条件包括胶原 蛋白I、II、III、IV、V、VI、纤维连接蛋白、层粘连蛋白、血粘蛋白、弹性原纤维蛋白和 这些蛋白质的混合物,共36种组合。



  Category CatalogDescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
ECM Select5170-1EAECM Select* Array Kit Ultra -361 slideKitHuman
CytoSoft@ Discovery Kit5190-7EACytoSoft* Discovery Kit, 6-Well   Plates6 well7 PlatesSynthetic
Collagen Hybridizing Peptides5264-60UG5-FAM Conjugate Collagen   Hybridizing Peptide (Green)0.3 mgEASynthetic
5265-60UGBiotin Conjugate Col agen   Hybridizing Peptide (Biotin)0.3 mgEASynthetic
5276-60UGCY3 Conjugate Collagen Hybridizing Peptide _(Red)0.3 mgEASynthetic
ECM Dissociation5030-50MGCollagenase, Lyophilized Powder,   50 mg50   mgEAClostridium Histolyticum



Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
Collagen5005-100MLPureCol, Bovine   Collagen, 3 mg/mLl, 100 mL100 mL EABovine
5005-1000MLPureCole, Bovine   Collagen, 3 mg/mL, 1000 mL1000 mLEABovine
5006-15MGPureCol@, Bovine   Collagen, Lyophilied, 15 mg15 mgEABovine
5007-20MLVitroCol, Human   Collgen, Solution, 3 mg/mL, 20 mL20 mLEAHuman
5007-100MLVitroCol, Human   Collagen, Solution, 3 mg/mL, 100 mL100 mLEAHuman
5008- 15MGVitroCol!, Human   Cllagen, Lyophilie 15mg15 mgEAHuman
5026-1KITTeloCol*-3, Solution,   Acid Soluble, 3 mg/ml + Neutralization Solution50 mLKitBovine
5153-1KITRat Tail Collagen   Solution, Acid Soluble, 100 mg + Neutralization Solution100 mgKitRat tail
5056-20MLRat Tail Collagen   Solution, Acid Soluble, 4 mg/ml20 mLEARat tail
VL5000000010Lyophilized Rat Tail   Collagen, 100 mg100 mgEARat tail
Collagen IV5022-5MGCollagen, Human, Type   I, Lyophilized, 5 mg5 mgEAHuman
5016-5MGCollagen, Human, Type   v, Powde, Non-sterile, 5 mg5 mgEAHuman
Laminins5406-2EALaminin 11, 0.35 mg0.35 mgEARecombinant
5346-2EALaminin 221, 0.35 mg0.35 mgEARecombinant
5345-2EALaminin 411, 0.35 mg0.35 mgEARecombinant
5344-6EALaminin 511, 1.05 mg1.05 mgEARecombinant
Fibronectin5080-5MGFibronectin, Human,   Lyophilizd 5.0 mg5 mgEAHuman
5050-1MGFibronectin, Human,   1.0 mg1 mgEAHuman
Vitronectin5051-0.1MGVitronectin, Human,   0.1 mg0.1 mgEAHuman
5121-0.5MGVitronectin, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
Tropoelastin5052-1MGTropoelastin, Human,   Recombinant, Lyophilized, 1 mg1 mgEARecombinant
Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
Cadherins5086-0.1MGCD2, Human, Recombinant,   0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5124-0.05MGCDH3, Human, Recombinant,   0.05 mg0.05 mgEARecombinant
5125-0.1MGCDH13, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5089-0.1MGCD14, Human, Recombinant,   0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5090-0.1MGCDH18, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5093-0.1MGCD40, Human, Recombinant,   0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5096-0.1MGCD86, Human, Recombinant,   0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5100-0.05MGCD164, Human,   Recombinant, 0.05 mg0.05 mgEARecombinant
5127-0.1MGCD270, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5126-0.1MGCD274, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5123-0.1MGCD276, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
5085-0.1MGE-Cadherin, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEAHuman
5107-0.1MGICAM2, Human,   Recombinant, 0.1 mg0.1 mgEARecombinant
Adhesion Peptides5020-5MGPEPTITE-2000,, RGD   Peptide, 5 mg5 mgEARecombinant
5049-50MLPoly-D-Lysine, Solution,   0.1 mg/mL50 mLEASynthetic
5174-5MGPoly-D-Lysine, Powder, 5 mg5 mgEASynthetic
5048-50MLPoly-L-Lysine, Solution,   0.1 mg/mL50 mLEASynthetic
5173-5MGPoly-Lysine, Powder,   Serilizled 5 mg5 mgEASynthetic
5058-50MLPoly-Omithine, Solution,   0.1 mg/mL50 mLEASynthetic
5172-5MGPoly-L-Omithine, Powder, 5 mg5 mgEASynthetic




CytoSoft?板具有一层功能化硅胶,硬度选项包括0.2、0.5、2、8、16、32和64 kPa,使您能够在与生理相关的基质上培养细胞。 




1、使用CytoSoft? Discovery Kit来发现最佳硬度,该套件包含每种硬度的板。将最 佳ECM从ECM Select?阵列涂覆在板上。

2、使用CytoSoft? Imaging Plates进行高分辨率、出版质量的图像。 

3、利用T-25、T-75或6孔板进行细胞扩增,进一步研究,或在与生理相关的基质上对 细胞进行条件培养,用于研究、水凝胶或3D生物打印。





Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
6-well Plates5190-7EACytoSoft* Discovery   Kit, 6-Wel Plates6 well7 PlatesSynthetic
5165-5EACytosot 6 wel   Plate, Elastic Modulus 0.2 kPa6 well5 PlatesSynthetic
5140-5EACytoSoft*   6-well Plate, Elastic Modulus 0.5 kPa6 well5 PlatesSynthetic
5141-5EACytosoft-   6-weli Plate, Elastic Modulus 2 kPa6 well5 PlatesSynthetic
5142-5EACytosofte 6   well Plate, Elastic Modulus 8 kPa6 well5 PlatesSynthetic
5143-5EACytosoft   6-well Plate, Elastic Modulus 16 kPa6 well5 PlatesSynthetic
5144-5EA6 well5 PlatesSynthetic
5145-5EACytosoft 6   weli Plate, Elastic Modulus 64 kPa6 well5 PlatesSynthetic
Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
24-well Imaging Plates5183-1EACytoSoft   lmaging 24-welll Plate, Elastic Modulus 0.2 kPa24 wellEASynthetic
5184-1EACytoSoft   Imaging 24-well Plate, Elastic Modulus 0.5 kPa24 wellEASynthetic
5185-1EACytoSot   Imaging 24-welli Plate, Elastic Modulus 2 kPa24 wellEASynthetic
5186-1EACytosote   Imaging 24 -wei Plate, Elastic Modulus 8 kPa24 wellEASynthetic
5187-1EACytosot   Imaging 24 welil Plate, Elastic Modulus 16 kPa24 wellEASynthetic
5188-1EACytosofte   lmaging 24 -weli Plate, Elastic Modulus 32 kPa24 wellEASynthetic
5189-1EACytoSoft   Ilmaging 24 -welil Plate, Elatic Modulus 64 kPa24 wellEASynthetic
96-well Imaging Plates5255-1EACytosote   Imaging 96 welli Plate, Elastic Modulus 0.2 kPa96 wellEASynthetic
5256-1EACytosot*   Ilmaging 96-wel Plate, Elastic Modulus 0.5 kPa96 wellEASynthetic
5257-1EACytoSoft   Imaging 96 -weli Plate, Elastic Modulus 2 kPa96 wellEASynthetic
5258-1EACytosoft   Ilmaging 96-welli Plate, Elatic Modulus 8 kPa96 wellEASynthetic
5259-1EACytoSoft*   Imaging 96-welll Plate, Elastic Modulus 16 kPa96 wellEASynthetic
5260-1EACytosot   Imaging 96 -weli Plate, Elastic Modulus 32 kPa96 wellEASynthetic
5261-1EACytosote   Imaging 96 wel Plate, Elastc Modulus 64 kPa96 wellEASynthetic
T-25 Flasks5316-10EACytoSoft, T-25 Flasks, 0.2   kPaT-25 Flask10 FlasksSynthetic
5317-10EACytoSoft,T-25 Flasks, 0.5 kPaT-25 Flask10 FlasksSynthetic
5318-10EACytosoft, T-25 Flasks, 2 kPaT-25 Flask10 FlasksSynthetic
5319-10EACytoSoft,T-25 Flasks, 8 kPaT-25 Flask10 FlasksSynthetic
5320-10EACytosot,T-25 Flasks, 16 kPRaT-25 Flask10 FlasksSynthetic
5321-10EACytosoft, T-25 Flasks, 32 kPaT-25 Flask10 FlasksSynthetic
5322-10EACytoSoft, T-25 Flasks, 64 kPaT-25 Flask10 FlasksSynthetic
T-75 Flasks5323-6EACytosoft, T-75 Flasks, 0.2   kPaT-75 Flask6 FlasksSynthetic
5324-6EACytoSoft, T-75 Flasks, 0.5   kPaT-75 Flask6 FlasksSynthetic
5325-6EACytosoft, T-75 Flasks, 2 kPaT-75 Flask6 FlasksSynthetic
5326-6EACytoSoft, T-75 Flasks, 8 kPaT-75 Flask6 FlasksSynthetic
5327-6EACytosoft,T-75 Flasks,域kPaT-75 Flask6 FlasksSynthetic
5328-6EACytoSoft,T-75 Flasks, 32 kPaT-75 Flask6 FlasksSynthetic
5329-6EACytoSoft, T-75 Flasks, 64 kPaT-75 Flask6 FlasksSynthetic



艾美捷为您提供Advanced BioMatrix全系列的生物材料,可以与所需的ECM(根据ECM Select?)以及通过CytoSoft?确定的最佳基质硬度形成3D水凝胶。 水凝胶可以通过热交联、化学交联和光交联等多种形式形成。额外的调整,如浓度、时间、温度、光引发剂、光强度等,为您提供了更多的定制和灵活性,以适应任何实验或 应用。


注意 - 上述图表中的数据是以G'收集的。要转换为杨氏模量(由CytoSoft?表示),可以将G'乘以x3。

AtelocollagenHyStem?PhotoCol? Methacrylated Collagen
TelocollagenHyStem?-CPhotoGel? Methacrylated Gelatin
Mebiol?HyStem?-HPPhotoHA? Methacrylated Hyaluronic Acid
Silk FibroinAlginatePhotoAlginate? Methacrylated Alginate
Lifeink?Methacrylated AlginatePhotoDextran? Methacrylated Dextran 



Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
Collagen5005-100MLPureCol, Bovine Collagen, 3   mg/mL, 100 mL100   mLEABovine
5005-1000MLPureCol@, Bovine Collagen, 3   mg/mL, 1000 mL1000   mLEABovine
5074-35MLPureCol EZ Gel, Bovine Collagen,   DMEM/F-12 Solution35   mLEABovine
5010-50ML50   mLEABovine
5010-1000ML1000   mLEABovine
5133-20ML20   mLEABovine
5133-100MLFibriCol, Bovine Collagen   Solution, 10 mg/mL, 100 mL100   mLEABovine
5007-20MLVitroCole, Human Collagen,   Solution, 3 mg/mL, 20 mL20   mLEAHuman
5007-100MLVitroCol, Human Collagen,   Solution, 3 mg/mL, 100 mL100   mLEAHuman
5026-1KITTeloCol9-3, Solution, Acid   Soluble, 3 mg/ml+ Neutralization Solution50   mLKitBovine
5225-1KITTeloCol- 6, Solution, Acid   Soluble, 6 mg/ml+ Neutralization Solution50   mLKitBovine
5226-20MLTeloCole- 10, Solution, Acid   Soluble, 10 mg/ml20   mLEABovine
5153-1KITRat Tail Collagen Solution, Acid   Soluble, 100 mg + Neutralization Solution100   mgKitRat   tail
ColMA5198-100MGPhotoCol Methacrylated Typel   Collagen (Collagen Only)100   mgEABovine
5270-1KITPhotoCo!@ -LAP Methacrylated   Cllgen +t _LAP Kit100   mgKitBovine
5201-1KITPhotoCol*-IRG Methacrylated   Collagen + Irgacure Kit100   mgKitBovine
5271-1KITPhotoCo!@ -RUT Methacrylated   Cllagen+ Ruthenium Kit100   mgKitBovine
HyStem@GS310FHyStem Thiol-Modified Hyaluronic   Acid 2.5 mL Trial Kit2.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS311FHyStem* Thio-Modifid Hyaluronic   Acid it 7.5 mL7.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS1005FHyStem*-c Thiol-Modified   Hyaluronic Acid+ Gelatin 12.5 mL Kit (Experienced Users Only)12.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS312FHystem-c Thiol-Modifed   Hyaluronic Acid Gelatin 2.5 mL Trial Kit2.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS313FHyStem*-C Thiol-Modified   Hyaluronic Acid+ Gelatin Kit 7.5 mL7.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS1004FHyStem Thiol-Modified Hyaluronic   Acid 12.5 mL Kit (Experienced Users Only)12.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS314FHyStem*-HP Thio-Modifid   Hyaluronic Acid/Heparin 2.5 ml Trial Kit2.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS315FHyStem-HP Thio-Modified   Hyaluronic Acid/Heparin Kit 7.5 mL7.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS1006FHyStem?-HP Thiol-Modified   Hyaluronic Acid/Heparin 12.5 mL Kit (Experienced Users)12.5   mLKitRecombinant
GS222F-5EAGlycosil Thiol-Modified   hyaluronic acid (5 units x1 mL)1 mL5   UnitsRecombinant
GS220FGlycosi* Thiol-Modifie hyalurnic   acid5 mL5 mLEARecombinant
GS231F-5EAGelin-S Thiol-Modified Gelatin   (5 units x1 mL)1 mL5   UnitsPorcine
GS230FGelin-S@ Thiol-Modified Gelatin 5 mL5 mLEAPorcine
GS217F-5EAHeprasil Thiol-Modied hyaluronic   Acid/Heparin (5 units x 1 mL)1 mL5   UnitsRecombinant
GS215FHeprasil Thiol-Modied hyaluronic   Acid/Heparin 5 mL5 mLEARecombinant
GS3007F-10EAExtralinke PEGDA (10 units x 0.5 mL)0.5   mL10   UnitsSynthetic
GS3006F-5EAExtralinke PEGDA (5 units x 2.5 mL)2.5   mL5   UnitsSynthetic
GS3009F-10EAExtralink@-Lite PEGDA (10 units   x 0.5 mL)0.5   mL10   UnitsSynthetic
GS3008F-5EAExtralink*-Lite PEGDA (5 units x   2.5 mL)2.5   mL5   UnitsSynthetic
GS755-2EAPEGSSDA (2 units x 0.5 mL)0.5   mL2   UnitsSynthetic
Silk Fibroin5154-20MLFibroin Silk Solution, 50 mg/ml20   mLEABombyx mori silkworm
5352-1GMLyophilized Silk Fibroin, 1 gram1   gramEABombyx mori silkworm
Thermoreversable Hydrogels5180-10MLMebiol*, Lyophilied, 10 mL10   mLEASynthetic


Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
ColMA5198-100MGPhotoCol? Methacrylated Type I Collagen100 mgEABovine
5270-1KITPhotoCol?-LAP Methacrylated Collagen + LAP Kit100 mgKitBovine
5201-1KITPhotoCol?-IRG Methacrylated Collagen + Irgacure Kit100 mgKitBovine
5271-1KITPhotoCol?-RUT Methacrylated Collagen + Ruthenium Ki100 mgKitBovine
GelMAVL3500000502PhotoGel 50% DOM,2 x 500mg500 mg2 UnitsPordine
5399-1KTPhotoGel 50% DS with LAP Kit1 gramKitPorcine
5398 -1KIT1 gramKitPordine
5400-1KITPhotoGel 50% DS with   Ruthenium Kit1 gramKitPorcine
5208- 1GM500 mg2 UnitsPorcine
5272-1KITPhotoGel. L   AP Methacrylated Gelatin+ LAP Kit1 gramKitPorcine
5215-1KITPhotoGel.   IRG Methacrylated Gelatin+ Irgacure Kit1 gramKitPorcine
5273-1KITPhotoGer.   RUT Methacrylated Gelatin+ Ruthenium Kit1 gramKitPorcine
HAMA5212-100MGPhotoHA*   Methacrylated Hyaluronic Acid (HA Only)100 mgEARecombinant
5274-1KITPhotoHA   L AP Methacrylated Hyaluronic Acid+ LAP Kit100 mgKitRecombinant
5220-1KITPhotoHA   6 IRG Methacrylated Hyaluronic Acid + Irgacure Kit100 mgKitRecombinant
5275-1KITPhotoHA   6 -RUT Methacrylated Hyaluronic Acid + Ruthenium Kit100 mgKitRecombinant
GMHA5388- 100MGPhotoHA* Soft (100 mg, HA   only)100 mgEARecombinant
5404-1KITPhotoHA Soft with LAP kit100 mgEARecombinant
5403-1KITPhotoHA 6 sSoft with   Irgacure kit100 mgEARecombinant
5405-1KITPhotoHA*-Soft with   Ruthenium Kit100 mgEARecombinant
AlgMA5310- 200MGPhotoAlginate,   200 mg, Methacrylated Alginate200 mgEAAlgae
5354-1KITPhotoAlginate + LAP200 mgKitAlgae
5353-1KITPhotoAlginate + Irgacure200 mgKitAlgae
5355-1KITPhotoAlginate + Ruthenium200 mgKitAlgae
DexMA5311-1GMPhotoDextran,   Methacrylated Dextran, 1 gram1 gramEARecombinant
5332-1KITPhotoDextran+ LAP Kit1 gramKitRecombinant
5331-1KITPhotoDextran + Irgacure Kit1 gramKitRecombinant
5333-1KITPhotoDextran + Ruthenium Kit1 gramKitRecombinant
PEGDA5337-1GMPEGDA 10000   ww buik non-sterie powder, 1 Gram1 gramEASynthetic
GS700PEGDA 3400 mw   buik non steie powder, 1gram1 gramEASynthetic
GS705PEGDA 3400 MW   bulk non-sterile powder, 5 gram5 gramsEASynthetic
5339-1GMPEGDA 6, 000   mw bulk non-steril powder, 1 Gram1 gramEASynthetic
5340- 1GMPEGDA 1,000   Mw buik non sterie powder, 1 Gram1 gramEASynthetic
5341-1GMPEGDA 20,000   MW bulk non-steril powder, 1 Gram1 gramEASynthetic
Photoinitiators5269-500MGLAP Photoinitiator,   n-sterile, 405 nm500 mgEASynthetic
5200-5GMIrgacure   5929 Photoinitator, 5 grams, non-sterile5 gramsEASynthetic
5248-1KITRuthenium,   Visible Light Photocrosslinking Kit1 KitKitSynthetic



1、挤出 (BioX) 



4、多光子激光 (Quantum X Bio) 





我们广泛的生物材料组合被全球范围内的各种生物打印应用所使用。可以混合和匹配蛋白质,创建与细胞 和应用程序所需的正确ECM和力学环境相匹配的墨 水,或使用我们(或我们的姊妹公司Cellink)的现成墨水之一。


CategoryCatalog #DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
Collagen5278-5ML5 mLEABovine
5278-50ML50 mLEABovine
5343-4MLLifeink   220, 70 mg/ml ph neutral collagen bioink, 4 mL4mlEABovine
5343-50MLLifenk 220,   70 mg/ml ph neutral bioink, 50 mL50 mLEABovine
5267-5MLLifeink   240 Collagen Bioink, Acidic pH, 35 mg/ml5 mLEABovine
5267-50ML50 mLEABovine
5358-4ML4 mLEABovine
5358-50ML50 mLEABovine
GelMAIK3051020303GelMA Bioink with   0.25%LAP, 3x3 ml3 mL3 UnitsPorcine
1K3521020303GelMA A Bioink with   0.25% LAP, 3x 3 ml3 mL3 UnitsPorcine
IKG5L 3000303GelMA C Bioink with   0.25%LAP,3 x3 ml3 mL3 UnitsPorcine
IKG125000005GelMA 20%, 5 mL5 mLEAPorcine
AlginateIKA325000503Alginate 5%, 3 x 5mL5 mL3 UnitsAlgae
PluronicsIKS400000503Pluronics 40%, 3 x 5mL5 mL3 UnitsSynthetic


Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
GelMAD16110025361PhotoGel-INK 50%25 mLEAPorcine
D16110025360PhotoGel-INK 95%25 mLEAPorcine
HAMAD16110025362PhotoHA-INK Stiff5 mLEARecombinant
GMHAD16110025376PhotoHA-INK Soft5 mLEARecombinant
AlgMAD16110025377PhotoAlginate- INK10mLEAAlgae
PEGDAD16110025307PEGDA -INK10mLEASynthetic


Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
LifeSupporte5244-10GMLifeSupport   Support Slurry for FRESH Bioprinting2 grams5 UnitsPorcine
Probes & PlatesD16110025291BIONOVA X Bioprinting   Probe 6 well1 ProbeEA
D16110025292BIONOVAX Bioprinting   Probe 12 well1 ProbeEA
D16110025293BIONOVA X Bioprinting   Probe 24 well1 ProbeEA
D16110025294Adhesive 6 Well   Glass Bottom Plate, 5 pack6 well5 Plates
D16110025295Adhesive 12   Well Glass Bottom Plate, 5 pack12 well5 Plates
D16110025296Adhesive 24   Well Glass Bottom Plate, 5 pack24 well5 Plates
D16110025297Non-Adhesive   6 Wei Glass Bottom Plate, 5 pack6 well5 Plates
D16110025298Non-Adhesive   12 Well Glass Bottom Plate, 5 pack12 well5 Plates
D16110025299Non-Adhesive   24 Wel Glass Bottom Plate, _5 pack24 well5 Plates


Category Catalog#DescriptionProduct SizePackage SizeSource
Reagents5076-100MLPhosphate Buffered   Saline (PBS), 10x100 mLEASynthetic
5077-100MLHydrochloric Acid,   Ssolution, 0.01M100 mLEASynthetic
5078-100MLSodium Hydroxide,   Solution, 0.1M100 mLEASynthetic
GS240-10EADegassed Water, (10   units x 10 mL)10 mL10 Units
GS241-10EADegassed Water, (10   units x 20 mL)20 mL10 Units
GS250F-10EAReconstitution   Buffer for HyStem* (1x PBS, pH 7.4) 10 mL10 mLEA
GS251F-20EAReconstitution   Buffer for HyStem ( 1x PBS, pH 7.4) 20 mL20 mLEA

  • 高品质保障 成熟的生产研发技术
  • 高性价比 价宜质优,性价比高
  • 高效省心 从购买到使用,放心无忧
  • 安全运输 完善的保护措施安全运输




