This kit provides a fast, reliable and convenient spin column method for the isolation of high quality, high purity and inhibitor-free cell-free circulating DNA (cfc-DNA) from plasma/serum sample volumes ranging from 200 μL up to 500 μL.The kit is designed to isolate all sizes of cfc-DNA from either fresh or frozen plasma/serum samples and the purified DNA is eluted into a flexible elution volume ranging from 25 µL to 50 µL. The purified plasma/serum cfc-DNA is fully compatible with all downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, methylation-sensitive PCR and Southern Blot analysis, microarrays and NGS.
Isolate all sizes of circulating DNA from plasma and serum samples; Isolate viral and bacterial DNA; Versatile plasma and serum input volumes (200 µL - 500 µL); Concentrate circulating DNA into a flexible elution volume ranging from (25 µL - 50 µL); Isolate inhibitor-free cell-free circulating DNA; Purify high-quality DNA in 15-20 minutes; Compatible with Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT® Tubes.