BCMA,also named TNFRSF17,is a receptor for tnfsf13b/blys/baff and tnfsf13/april. TNFRSF17 promotes b-cell survival and plays a role in the regulation of humoral immunity. TNFRSF17 activates nf-κ-b and jnk. TNFRSF17 is a member of the TNF-receptor superfamily. TNFRSF17 is expressed in mature B lymphocytes,and is involved in B cell development and autoimmune response. TNFRSF17 specifically binds to the tumor TNFSF13B/TALL-1/BAFF,which causes NF-κB and MAPK8/JNK activation. TNFRSF17 binds to a variety of TRAF family members,and therefore transduces signals for cell survival and proliferation. TNFRSF17 is a type III membrane protein having 1 extracellular cysteine rich domain. Within the TNFRSF,it shares the highest homology with TACI. BCMA and TACI have both been shown to bind to APRIL and BAFF,members of the TNF ligand superfamily. BCMA expression has been found in immune organs. TNFRSF17 appears to be localized to the Golgi compartment. The binding of BCMA to APRIL or BAFF has been shown to stimulate IgM production in peripheral blood B cells and increase the survival of cultured B cells.